Documents & Research

The first part of this section (DOCUMENTS) is dedicated to the online publication of commented texts and documents that we believe to be particularly useful - in the current state of knowledge and critical debate - for understanding the figure and thought of de Chirico in his historical development (but also of Alberto Savinio and others). The second part (RESEARCH) presents the results of specific investigations dedicated to re-establishing correct information on how numerous erroneous attributions have been constructed over time, which have favoured the spread of serial fakes on the market, thus contributing to the creation of a distorted image of the artists to whom the works were referred.

1 – Documents

The Documents section, intended to collect critical editions of texts of special importance for the history and understanding of de Chirico and Metaphysical Art, opens with the online edition of the “novel” Il signor Dudron/Monsieur Dudron, in its French and Italian versions and with all its variants. The work has been conceived as an open work, susceptible to changes and additions over time, also by readers who wish to contribute with interpretations, corrections, notes or new documents by sending them by email to

2 – Research

The Research section opens with a precise historical reconstruction of a clamorous affair that no one is interested in making known in its reality: the story of the so-called “Archivio Valori Plastici”,  bequeathed at the end of the 1970s by Edita Broglio to Giorgio Canino, from which 47 fake drawings by Giorgio de Chirico emerged, plus a still unspecified number by Carrà and Morandi.

It should be noted that this “online edition” is a work of scientific research intended to give greater insight into a text with a very complex genesis, thus enabling scholars to draw new conclusions from further in-depth studies. It is not intended for commercial purposes or profit; it can be consulted free of charge but may not be downloaded.

This Online Edition is protected under copyright law, and its reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.