Origine e sviluppi dell’arte metafisica.
Milano e Firenze 1909-1911 e 1919-1922

Milan, 2011
ISBN-13: 9788889546338
Format 21 x 28 cm
232 pages b/w

Dedicated to the origins of metaphysics, the conclusions to the essays by Paola Italia, Gregorio Nardi and Paolo Baldacci confirm – with the substantial support of previously unpublished material – the coherence of a reconstruction which attributes the turning point that led to the birth of metaphysical aesthetics and the first paintings entitled “Enigmi” to the Milanese period (between the Summer and Autumn of 1909). Following a connection made by Maria Grazia Messina on the relationship between de Chirico and the Parisian avant-garde during the years 1912-1914, the second part of the book is dedicated to an examination of the numerous problems faced by the brothers who created metaphysical art by the post-war turning point: a theoretical arrangement of the new poetics in a changed cultural and political context, relations with critics and previous companions, and stances in the artistic debate. With essays by Federica Rovati, Fabio Amico, Nicol Mocchi, Emanuele Greco, Luca Pietro Nicoletti.